Friday, November 10, 2023

November show n tell 2023


The name of this quilt is Crumb Quilt made by Veronica at a workshop, idea is from Greit Lombard.

This is a Greit Lombard pattern, Cats and made by Veronica and quilted by her.

This is by Maureen and was a Kawandi class at fox's Cottage run by Greit Lombard.

Another by Maureen called Plaidish and was a free pattern from Kitchen Table quilting.

Veronica made this project pouch at a retreat.

Another crumb quilt, this one was made by Judy Young from a class at Fox's Cottage.

This is called "Trellis in the Garden" and is by Judy Young. It was quilted by Helen P.  Judy loved the clever placement of the light and dark fabrics to create the trellis effect.

Christmas Stockings made by Beverly Casey.  She started making stockings in the 1990's and the last few are for family this Christmas.

A lovely bag made by Madeline McCrea using the technique Cathedral windows from a class with Diane Harries.

This is a Fabric Art Quilt and was made by Dot McDermott.  It had to be made with no purchase of materials.  She made it with donated bits and old fabrics on hand and some fabric from friends.  It was made when she was living in Canada.

This is a "Tula Wensleydale" quilt  Quilted by John Nielson.  Lesley McFarlane loves

Tula Pink material and enjoyed the process of paper piecing for the first time.  well done Lesley.

Here are 2 project bags made by Lesley at a retreat she attended a few weeks ago.  One is for herself and the other is for a present.


This is called Ballerinas and is by Pauline Walton.  She saw quilts displayed through a small town in Western Australia and photographed this one on show then she found the material in spotlight.  It is a stack and whack quilt.

Christmas stockings made by Donna and are for her girlfriends 3 Grandsons, all born this year,and a step daughter.

This is a Grinch Nativity panel and is for Donna;s daughter who loves the Grinch.

These Caddy Bags are by Sandra Ryder  The pattern is 2x Catch all caddy by  By Annie.  Sandra made 4 of these at a recent retreat, it was quite a mission she said. 

Also at retreat, these were made by Rosie Neilson  and Judy Potts.

And this one was made by Bep Mooji with help from Judy.  Wonderful effort by all the ladies.

Members were asked to bring along their favourite quilts for show n tell.

A tribute to "The Girl with a Pearl Earring" by Johannes Vermeer. It was made for the COQ Challenge for their 30th Pearl Birthday celebration June 2018. Was made by Frances Henderson

Summertime by Frances and was designed from a photographh she took of one of her outside chairs for a challenge in 2015.

This is  one of Veronica's favourite quilts made many years ago.

This one is called Storm At Sea and is by Carol Burgess.  It was  made with the help of Carol Karl who also quilted the centre blocks.

A favourite of Madeline McCrea is "Daisies" made at a Symposium. the tutor was Mary Transom.

And another of Madeline's called Dragon fly and was at a class with Jacqui Karl

Shades of Green by Diana Jones and was made in 2019.

This is a favourite of Lesley called Tracey's Quilt.  The heart quilt blocks were made by members of 

COQ for her Daughter Tracey when she was sick and blue was her favourite colour. It is a very special quilt .